Berita TambangPerusahaan Tambang Kideco Buka 2 Posisi Lowongan Kerja, Ini Syaratnya!

Perusahaan Tambang Kideco Buka 2 Posisi Lowongan Kerja, Ini Syaratnya!

PT Kideco Jaya Agung merupakan salah satu perusahaan pertambangan batubara terbesar di Indonesia yang beroperasi di Paser, Kalimantan Timur. 

Bagi Kawan Tambang yang saat ini tengah mencari lowongan kerja (loker), perusahaan tambang ini sedang membuka 2 posisi lowongan kerja nih, yaitu di posisi Supervisor QC Shipment & Stockpile dan Mine Plan Analyst. Simak selengkapnya di bawah ini yuk!

Lowongan Kerja PT Kideco Jaya Agung

1. Supervisor QC Shipment & Stockpile  


  • Monitor and supervise the arrival and departure of subordinates from work, record and report it to superiors 
  • Provide a good example and motivate subordinates in working to achieve performance in the department and company 
  • Monitor and supervise control officers when stacking coal in the TMCT stockpile based on its calorie content, blending coal during barge loading to ensure the volume and calorie content of the coal produced is in accordance with the buyer’s specifications 
  • Coordinate with the Dept. FPM & transhipment contractor related to loading coal onto barges and stockingin TMCT stockpile
  • Coordinate with surveyors regarding coal sampling 
  • Coordinate with CCR TMCT regarding the implementation of “FIFO” coal stock rotation and coal placement activities according to blending monitoring as well as extinguishing the fire or cooling the thick smoking coal 
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  • Bachelor degree in Mining/Chemical Engineering
  • At least 5 Years of experience in Coal Quality Control 
  • Having a good knowledge about Stockpile Management 
  • Holds POP certification 
  • Have good skill in Computer literacy (Ms. Office: Excel, Word, Powerpoint) 
  • Willing to be placed in Paser mine site East Kalimantan

2. Mine Plan Analyst  


  • Responsible in monitoring, controlling and coordinating in Mine Plan Improvement 
  • Problem identification for mine planning deviation from actual mine planning
  • Collectand evaluate data/ information regarding plan and result from contractors actual plan 
  • Handle One Kideco site (Mine Planning Module) and improve it 
  • Create weekly / monthly evaluation report due to achievement or improvement mine plan 
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  • Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering 
  • At least 1 Year experience in same position 
  • Having a good knowledge about mine planning, heavy equipment operational & scheduling 
  • Able to analyze, reporting, presenting and communicate well 
  • Holds POP certification
  • Have good skill in Mine Planning Software (Minescape) 
  • Willing to be placed in Paser mine site East Kalimantan 

Kamu merasa sudah memenuhi persyaratan di atas? Yuk jangan ragu dan silahkan mengirimkan lamaran lengkap beserta CV dan dokumen pendukung lainnya paling lambat tanggal 18 Desember 2023 ke  

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